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« 98% des gens estiment que grâce à cette loi leurs lieux de travail sont plus sains depuis l'introduction de la législation »

Un an après, les Irlandais sont unanimes: la loi antitabac est une bonne chose

30 mars 2005 - Les Irlandais soutiennent quasi unanimement la loi antitabac introduite il y a un an. Cette loi a été un succès total et a aidé à créer un environnement plus sain, selon un sondage d'un organisme public irlandais.

En effet, ce sondage montre que 98% des gens, et 94% des fumeurs, estiment que grâce à cette loi leurs lieux de travail sont plus sains depuis l'introduction de la législation, le 29 mars 2004.

96% des personnes interrogées considèrent que l'adoption de la loi a été un succès. Les fumeurs sont 80% à penser la même chose. La loi anti-tabac impose aux Irlandais une interdiction totale de fumer dans les lieux de travail et sanctionne d'une amende pouvant aller jusqu'à 3.000 euros toute personne qui y contreviendrait. Elle vise aussi les patrons de pubs, qui risquent de perdre leur licence s'ils ne l'appliquent pas.

93% des personnes interrogées, et 89% des fumeurs questionnés, considèrent que l'introduction de cette législation a été une bonne idée.

Voici le communiqué de presse (en anglais) diffusé par le Bureau du contrôle du tabac irlandais pour annoncer ces résultats :

Office of Tobacco Control
March 28, 2005

Poll shows 98% of us believe Irish workplaces are healthier as a result of the smoke-free law

Press Release

According to research released today (Monday, 28 March 2005) by the Office of Tobacco Control (OTC), an overwhelming 98% of the Irish public believe that workplaces are healthier since the introduction of the smoke-free workplace law on March 29 last year.

The research, conducted by independent research company, TNS mrbi, in March 2005, clearly shows that support for the law is extremely high among both smokers and non-smokers:

  • 93% of people think the introduction of the law was a good idea, including 80% of smokers;
  • 96% of people believe the law is successful, including 89% of smokers;
  • 98% of people feel that workplaces are healthier since the introduction of the law including 94% of smokers.

Welcoming the results of the research, Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children, Seán Power TD said, “The Irish public’s overwhelming acceptance of this historic public health measure sends a very clear message to legislators around the world who are considering the introduction of similar smoke-free workplace legislation; not alone is it very possible to implement such legislation but citizens fundamentally accept its validity and necessity in order to protect their health.”

Dr Michael Boland, OTC Chairperson, said that these results reflect the consistently high levels of nationwide compliance with the smoke-free workplace legislation. In a One Year Review report due to be published by the OTC tomorrow (Tuesday, 29 March), updated inspection data from the National Tobacco Control Inspection Programme shows that in the nine months since the smoke-free workplace legislation was introduced, 94% of premises inspected were compliant with the law. A total of 34,957 inspections / compliance checks were conducted over the nine month period.

A breakdown of compliance levels reveals that compliance in respect of the smoking prohibition i.e. no one smoking and no evidence of smoking in contravention of the law (Section 47) is high across all sectors. Compliance levels are reported at:

  • 93% in hotels;
  • 99% in restaurants;
  • 90% in licensed premises.

The Health and Safety Authority will also announce tomorrow an average 92% compliance rate with the smoke-free workplace legislation, over the nine months from its introduction one year ago to 31 December last. The Authority monitors compliance in enclosed workplaces such as offices and factories, which are not covered by the health service.

The Authority has carried out almost 7,500 inspections for compliance with the law in relevant workplaces during 2004.

Minister Seán Power added, “The high compliance rates are a testament to the work of environmental health officers and the Health Service Executive (formerly health boards), as well as the Office of Tobacco Control, and the Health and Safety Authority in building compliance with the legislation together with enforcement actions where necessary. The widespread support of employers, managers, proprietors, employees and the public – smokers and non-smokers alike – has meant that the law is now part of everyone’s normal work and social life.”

The Health and Safety Authority’s Chairman, Jim Lyons, said, “The first nine months of the smoke-free law have been a resounding success, with average compliance levels increasing steadily from 90% at the end of May to 91% at the end September and nearly 92% at year end. Employers have responded extremely well in building compliance and they have shown a great willingness to achieve smoke-free workplaces. We are seeing very high levels of co-operation on our inspections, which reflects the goodwill and positive approach that employers and employees have taken to this important health measure”.

Returning to the opinion poll data, Dr Michael Boland, OTC Chairperson, said that the extremely high level of public support for the legislation reflects steady growth in support for the smoke-free workplace law over the past two years. Previous research conducted by TNS mrbi on behalf of the OTC and other independent research companies shows that:

In June 2003, 67% of the public supported its introduction and in November of that year, 81% of the public felt that the law should be complied with; In June 2004, research conducted by Amárach Consulting showed that 89% of the public felt that the law had been a success; In August 2004, research conducted by Lansdowne Market Research on behalf of the Department of Health and Children showed that 82% of the public supported the law and 95% of the public agreed that the legislation is a positive health measure.

The national New Year’s poll (“2004 – How was it for you?”) carried out for RTE television, the smoke-free law was voted the no. 1 “high” of 2004. Dr Boland concluded, “Effectively, we’ve seen an 11% rise in support for the measure since August 2004 and almost 100% of people accept the main reason for the introduction of the legislation which was to allow people to work and socialise in healthy, clean, smoke-free environments. This law has undoubtedly contributed to a healthier society, however with almost a quarter of our population addicted to nicotine much remains to be done to achieve a tobacco free society in Ireland. Therefore, we will continue to fully support the implementation of the recommendations in the report of the Tobacco Free Policy Review Group, adopted as government policy in 2000.”

Voir aussi le rapport complet du Bureau du contrôle du tabac irlandais Smoke-free Workplaces in Ireland A One-Year Review

(Dossier 05-015 - 2005-03-30)

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